
Sunday 14 September 2014


Our summer has been here, there and everywhere and was completed with a trip to London to visit Granny and Grandpa. We took the kids to The Natural History Museum as Lenny is dinosaur mad and, I dont know about him, but I was amazed - what a spectacular place. I have not been since I was a nipper and there were certainly no moving, roaring t rexs' in my day! In fact, the enormity or the dinosaurs had Lenny a bit apprehensive and so the large mammals were the hit - it is WELL worth a visit of you are in the Big Smoke - and free!! We also went to Battersea Park, on several buses (who knew everyday public transport held SO much joy for a littlun?!) and ate our body weight in fondant icing at our niece Maud's lovely christening. Now we are back at home and I am looking forward to hunkering down for Autumn and having some quiet, homey weekends wearing slippers, drinking tea and watching 80's movies..... and tackling the jungle of a garden.... and the decorating of every room in the house... and some restructuring the whole downstairs... and loft...... and..... and.... and..... AHHHHHHH....!!
19.5 week bump and a fat arm. 20 week scan next week where hopefully we will find out the sex of the new bub. Watch this space!

poo sticks




lucky day. A complete vintage fisher price school and school bus at the charity shop for £6.50!

bye bye summer

stop growing....!


ice cream face

2 lions

always forget how darn great mac n' cheese is

a chubby me (why cant I be one of those lucky pregnant people who look like they have swallowed a pea?!) and white paint samples

very serious museum stride


terrorising the poor birds

ah.... where is that stair gate?!

park time

T Rex

throwing stones

the 3 amigos

Battersea Park fountains

C'mon Autumn show us what ya got...

no visitors allowed.

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