Sunday, 30 October 2016


So summer turns into Autumn and our gang potters along. Lenny has started school which has had it's ups and downs but seems to be settling (although I feel we are now on a hamster wheel that never stops turning and you can never get off. Sigh.) Maurice skips along to his own beat and gets funnier and funnier by the minute and Hope's red hair is rather telling of her personality - beautiful and charming but full of fire! As for Ru and I no news of note - furiously keeping balls in the air and trying to keep a smile on our faces! Not always succeeding....!



dad's bday

pose much?!

birthday boy and my very home made cake.... by Tesco.....

what Saturday night looks like here. Yep, that's Strictly....

cake chops

So Lenny what birthday cake would you like this year? Um...... the world, with all the animals in their correct continent?! CRIKEY!

weirdly proud that we have at Banksy in our small backwater of Somerset (gawd knows if it's real!)


that face

Mo has had a bit too much....!

always up trees

crumble making

when a dinosaur went to the rugby



party gal

beautiful boy


love her

stop growing!

every week the same...... hiding in the swimming lockers until I find him.....

burn baby burn


great britain

not to self - NEVER say you will make pancakes for breakfast on a school day..... #solatewehadtosneakintoregistration

trying to use up the enormous amount of food we have clogging up our larder. Round 1 tinned peaches.


Photo credit Lenny - they are loving the camera at the mo! Slightly terrified.....

again, pose much?!

apple pressing. teach them cider young?!


chubby chops

get your kids planting. They LOVE it. That said, pick your radishes about 3 months before they get this big! 

ravey davey



big boy

the boy is a scooting bad a**. 


pic credit Maurice. 

tea. burgers. again.

the gun show

up he goes


organic veg

Yep. Waitrose love us.

having a chat about life

a woman work is never done!

she's a BEAUT

whittling your own sausage spear. Thank you Josh.

What's apppp?

10pm up for bath to find this.