Sunday, 30 March 2014


A couple of weeks ago Rupert and I decided that we had, finally, found a place to settle and hence time to buy our own home (we have been renting for the last 4 years). We are lucky enough to have previously bought a flat in London which we had kept so put it on the market and began a hunt for our country pile (well, cottage with a veggie patch). Thinking these things take forever and bracing ourselves for a gruelling 6 month search we found our perfect house in the first few days but as always it had a lot of interest, lots of offers yadda yadda yadda... we had until Friday night to find a buyer for the London flat so we could secure it. This was insane and so we mentally waved goodbye to the pile. Well, that was until 4.48pm on Friday night when we had an offer on the flat and at 5.23pm we had secured a new home in Somerset. YAY! Needless to say, bubbles all round. I can hear all my family and friends telling me to remain cautious and not fall too hard as more often than not these things fall through and I will be heartbroken. Of course they are right but for now I'm as happy as a clam at high water. It is a complete renovation project of a 1930's house so be prepared for lots of posts of interior design ideas (Rupert, the keeper of the purse strings is very concerned indeed!) In other news this week we had muddy walks, lunch, dinosaur playtime and estuary frolics with friends, mother's day spoiling and a sunny beginning of Spring.... doesn't the sun immediately make you feel a whole heap cheerier?

beach combing


baby's got blue eyes

row row row your....

clearly not a riveting read

Charlie looking after Lenny

dragon in my kitchen


Ru and Lenny

this is one pair of funky legs

Maurice's Gooseys

Magnolia lovely

mud mud glorious mud

nice Sunday treat

can balance for about 30 secs

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