Tuesday, 20 May 2014


All in all last week was full of sunny smiles. We jumped all over the place to make the most of the summer rays - a trip to our local zoo to see the reptiles (Lenny loves snakes..... urgh), a beautiful Wiltshire wedding, a trip to blow the hangovers away at the beach, den building in the woods, lounging in the garden... oh, and the dreaded supermarket sweep....

(Note to self: buy the boys something other than h&m stripey tshirts they are becoming like a weird uniform)

My Mint.

waiting for the bath to run


just before he munched the dandelion - yum yum

sand treasure

beach, please clear my head

let me offer you some advice.....

get arffff maiiiiii laaaaaand you pesky guinea fowl

hiding in the rather overgrown veggies

ahhhh yes, the Bellis Perennis (daisy to you an I)

beautiful dancing bride


a trio of mango and chocolate heaven

stroking the dragon

blue steel

good old English wedding - so pretty

does anyone else pay for more food eaten than not at the checkout?!


python - eeeeeeeek

farmers hat


  1. Your boys look like such great friends! How adorable. My two certainly aren't so cuddly. Lovely shots as always

  2. Thank you Vicki - so lovely you are..... well, they are friends 70% of the time and the rest...... eeeeeeekkkk....... XXX
