Friday, 13 September 2013

An Eggscellent Activity....

Its pouring with rain outside plus I am knackered so today is all about indoor fun - well, in this case, fun and delegation….. this is a Montessori activity designed to teach fine motor skills, purposeful activity and concentration but the bit I like most is that your feet are up with a cuppa while you exploit child labour! Drinking the cappuccino while it's hot is so rare the inevitable mess was totally worth it……. 

Let your child prepare their own lunch - peeling eggs, spreading crackers and chopping fruit. Lenny took a while to get the egg peeing bit preferring to tip them from bowl to bowl but once he gave it a go he did concentrate and try to be gentle with the shell but more often than not greed got the better of him and he ripped it apart and shoved it in his mouth like a starved beast! Likewise with the crackers he started off spreading carefully but soon realised that you could scoop the fruit spread straight into the mouth with the knife bypassing the cracker completely. Chopping fruit I think would have been great with a  banana or strawberries but alas we only had oranges in the house so he stabbed the unpeeled one with great satisfaction ignoring the one I had peeled in preparation. All this said it was fun, free (well, using food you have in the house) and super easy - and who knows if we keep at it perhaps I will end up with a culinary genius?!?

Off to Cornwall this weekend so rain rain go away!!!!!!!!

Hope you have fun……

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