Tuesday, 10 September 2013


Today started at 5.15am after 4 hours of broken sleep - I should have known the tone for the rest of the day was going to be bad. A collection of seemingly small hiccups combined to make me not only in a foul mood but with baby hormones rushing all over the place it was over wrought and tearful to boot….. splitting headache, ears pulsating with rage over yet another phone call to Vodafone Customer Service, a spilt can of tomatoes all over my new t shirt, Maurice screaming for no reason for over an hour, Lenny insisting on re stacking the cereal aisle of the co op, the librarian tutting at me over a ripped book (that I paid for I may add)…… yadda yadda yadda you get the picture.
SO - kids in bed, large glass of Malbec poured and on with some music. Here is the playlist to calm down and remember tomorrow is another day *

* I need to add a disclaimer to this post. I am by no stretch of the imagination a muso (youth word for geeky modern music buffs) but I have spent the last 6 months taking myself in hand as even I thought Alanis Morisette and the Counting Crows were sounding a tad dated (still great though!!) So these bands/ artists are some of my new discoveries - if you listen to any of them you will note I am a fan of the warbling folky sound that borders on the depressing….. if you have any recommendations shout!

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